Nostalgia for an old love

Thinking back to an old love, according to a British study, provides pleasure. And it helps to prepare for a new story.Because remembering the ex, the moments experienced, the places visited together is not only a source of regret. Nostalgia (from greek nostos, return, and algos, pain) and memories activate the centers of pleasure.A study by the Un

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10 Golden Rules for Attracting Love

1. Always wake up with a smile. Think of today as a very good day. Learn to enjoy any little thing and positive emotions will displace unnecessary negativity from your life. 2. Surround yourself only with bright, positive people. 3. Learn to be interesting to yourself. Always develop yourself, try to learn something new every day, remember: a p

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How a woman inspires a man

Very simple - she allows herself to dream along with him! When a man shares his ideas with a woman, she, through her creative thinking, indulges in rainbow dreams, immediately picking up the man's ideas, and spinning them in her imagination. For example, a man tells his woman that he would like to build a nice spacious house for them. The

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